About Me
As an Architect
I am a fourth-year BArch and MLA student enrolled at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. My aspirations within architecture start with connecting landscape design back to architecture in almost every way possible. Whether that is through typical landscaping and the introduction of greenery into the space or comprising a project that sits in the landscape like non-other. My passion for landscape architecture comes from previous work experience and a general fondness for the outdoors. Over the years I have fallen in love with both American and Japanese gardens, which drove me to pursue a degree in Landscape Architecture as well as General Architecture.
As I see it, places all around the world are trying to integrate landscape and nature into designs, buildings, and cities, and it should be done right. Landscape Architecture is more than just placing a plant just as Architecture is more than just placing a building. I want to see both flourish together.
About Me
Beyond Architecture
I grew up in East Tennessee surrounded by wildlife and mountains. Seeing the region boom with tourism and population has brought many opportunities to the areas around me, even within architecture. Architecture has become a huge part of my life, and subjects outside of architecture tend to translate in and out of it. I have a love for complex places where many individuals co-exist. This interest primarily began with zoos, wildlife reserves, and aquariums, but it has affected my interest in urban planning and Landscape Architecture as well.